'rotozoomer Galileo vB+.bas (SmallBasic) bpf 2015-05-16 ' some big screen adjustements B+ 'a snapshot frame rect 0,0,804,704,15 filled for i=1 to 24 'orig .08, now increment in radian fractions ANG=ANG+2*3.14159265/32 CS=COS(ANG)*ABS(SIN(ANG))*128 SS=SIN(ANG)*ABS(SIN(ANG))*128 FOR Y=-350 TO 350 FOR X=-400 TO 400 tono = abs(((X*CS-Y*SS) band (Y*CS+X*SS))/256) if tono>255 then tono=255 pset X+402,Y+352,rgb(tono,tono,tono) NEXT X NEXT Y 'showpage next 'take a picture